segunda-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2015

Colors of MTGO Pauper: BLUE. (Deep Fountain)

I love monoblue, in MTGO pauper blue is a force to be reckoned. Sorry aggro players, but let's face it: some of the best pauper cards are blue.

In fact, there are so many powerful blue cards in pauper we have to pick one among some possible directions.

There are the monoblue aggro decks, abusing first turn delver, followed by ninjas and faeries. They are very popular, very fun to play and not an easy match for any deck.

We can go "counter everything" mode, using 10-12 or even 14-16 counterspells, pinched with a couple removal, some strategic defensive creatures (usually Spire Golem) and some flashy draw (like think twice).

It is possible to build tron blue, I don't think it is strong as multicolor tron decks, but it has its perks, like a more stable and easy to handle mana base. Sadly, many of the most powerful counterspells have UU in their costs, that hurtz monoblue tron a little bit.

Lately I have been playing a slightly different monoblue deck than most around. It has its perks and bad sides in the card choices. It doesn't carry a lot of counterspelling, but it has a pretty heavy lategame and has some versatiliy in the card interactions.

One card the deck tries to abuse is Deep Analisis, one of the most powerful draw spells available in pauper and yet you don't see a lot of decks using it, at least not in the maindeck. This is due to the fact Deep Analisis is a very slow card and the life pay really hurts. The good side is that it is very hard to counter and it will draw a ton of cards, making the late game of the deck a lot better.

Also I am not using deprive in the list. I know deprive is one of the most powerful counterspells around, but this deck really wants to drop lands. This deck is very mana costy, things start to get good when you reach 8, 9, 10 mana. I feel deprive would be a set back in this list.

Also, his is not very usual in pauper, I am running 25 lands, including a set of cycle lands, this helps to drop more lands early in the game. Later we can cycle the lands with help of some Azorius Chancery.

The list:

13 islands
4 lonely sandbar
4 azorius chancery
4 Radiant Fountain

3 Seal of Removal
3 Echoing Truth
4 Curse of Chains

4 Counterspell
4 Memory Lapse

4 Deep Analisis
1 Ghostly Flicker

4 Sea Gate Oracle
4 Archaeomancer
4 Mulldrifter

4 Hydroblast
4 Coast Watcher
4 Annul
3 Dispel

So here is the plan:

Early game we have 10 bounce/removal to hold opponent back a bit. Then, midgame, we start to play draw spells (like mulldrifters and deep analisis), this is when we build our mana base up to 8-9-10 lands. Late game we abuse the power of archaeomancer, recycling counterspells and bounce.

Radiant Fountain helps to survive early game and helps to compensate the life paid for deep analisis. The bounce spells can be used to return our own creatures and draw more cards if you feel it is better.

Altho this is a very slow deck in the early turns considering pauper metagame, usually things start to turn a lot on your favor if you survive until 6th 7th turn and on.

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